- Section 3.1 Uniformity of Use and Appearance. The purposes of this Declaration include assurance within the Property of a uniformity of use and quality of workmanship, materials, design, maintenance and location of Structures with respect to topography and finish grade elevation.
It is in the best interest of each Owner that such uniformity of use be maintained as hereinafter provided. No Structure other than one single family dwelling shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any
Lot. Accessory Structures including storage buildings are prohibited, except as may be specifically approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Notwithstanding anything herein set forth, the Construction of any
Structure shall comply with (1) the terms and conditions of this Declaration and (2) the laws, ordinances and regulations of all governmental entities having jurisdiction over the Property; provided that the most restrictive of
any duplicative or inconsistent provisions shall prevail. No Owner, including Declarant and any builder, may commence Construction on any Structure until said Owner has received the Architectural Control Committee's
approval of said Structure in accordance with the terms of this Article 3.
- 3,2 Submission and Approval of Plans
- 3.2.1 Submission. Before commencing Construction of any Structure on any Lot, the Owner shall submit to the Architectural Control Committee two (2) complete sets of detailed building, construction and landscaping plans and specifications, and a site plan showing the location of all proposed Structures (the plans, specifications and site plans are collectively referred to herein as the "Plans").
- 3.2.2 Form. The Plans shall be submitted in a form satisfactory to the Architectural Control Committee, which may withhold its approval of the Plans because of its reasonable dissatisfaction with the location of the Structure on the Lot, anticipated tree cutting required, aesthetic design, exterior color scheme, finish, architecture, height, impact on view from another Lot or Lots, appropriateness of the proposed Structure, materials used therein, or because of its reasonable dissatisfaction with any other matter which, in the reasonable judgment of the Architectural Control Committee, would render the proposed Structure inharmonious with the general plan of development of the Property or other Structures nearby.
- 3.2.3 Written Action. The Architectural Control Committee's approval or disapproval of Plans shall be in writing. Approval shall be evidenced by written endorsement on such Plans, one copy of which shall be delivered to the Owner of the Lot upon which the Structure is to be Constructed. If the Architectural Control Committee, or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove Plans in writing within thirty (30) days of submission of the Plans, then the Plans shall be deemed approved as submitted. No Plans shall be deemed to be submitted until all of the Plans associated with the development of a Lot have been submitted.
- 3.2.4 No Alteration Without Approval. All Structures Constructed upon a Lot shall be Constructed strictly in accordance with the Plans approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No portion of any Plan shall be altered without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. No alteration of the exterior appearance of any Structure including, but not limited to, alteration of the color or materials of any Structure, shall be made without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee.
- 3.2.5 Enforceability. The Architectural Control Committee's review and approval or disapproval of Plans shall be absolute and enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction. The Architectural Control Committee's approval of any Plans, however, shall not constitute any warranty or representation whatsoever by the Architectural Control Committee or any of its members that such Plans were examined or approved for engineering or structural integrity or sufficiency of compliance with applicable governmental laws, codes, ordinances and regulations. Each Owner hereby releases any and all claims or potential claims against the Architectural Control Committee, each member of the Committee, the Board, each member of the Board, and their heirs, successors and assigns, of any nature whatsoever, based upon engineering or structural integrity or sufficiency of compliance with applicable governmental laws, codes, ordinances and regulations.
- Section 3.3 Size and Height Requirements and Restrictions.
- 3.3.1 Floor Area. The floor area of the main dwelling Structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall not be less than:
(i) 1,400 square feet for a dwelling containing a single level;
(ii) 1,600 square feet for a multi-level dwelling (i.e. a "tri-Ievel" as that term is used in the construction industry); and
(iii) 1,600 square feet for a standard two-story dwelling.
(iv) 1,500 square feet for split-level entry dwelling.
(v) Lot 61 will be a special exception to the floor area requirements set forth in this Section 3.3.1 because it's size is smaller than the average size of the other Lots, and accordingly the Structure will be limited
to a single level dwelling with such square footage floor area as determined by the Architectural Control Committee
- 3.32 Roofs and Siding. Roofs on all Structures must be finished with composition shakes or shingles having a 25 year warranty, or wood shake or Woodruff roofing, tile roofing, or other roofing accepted in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. The single acceptable color for composition shakes or shingles is PASCO Weatherwood.
The exterior of the dwelling Structure shall be finished with spruce, cedar, brick, stucco, authentic stone siding, OSB LAP, or other siding accepted in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. T-111 type siding
will not be allo
- 3.33 Garages. Garages are required and may be incorporated in or made a part of the dwelling Structure, or may be detached garages. Single-car garages and carports are specifically prohibited
- Section 3.4 Use Restrictions
- 3..4.1 Residential Use. Except as provided below, the Lots are intended for and restricted to use for single family residences only, on an ownership, rental or lease basis, and for social, recreational, or other reasonable activities normally incident to such use. Notwithstanding the above, Declarant and builders may use dwellings owned by them as sales offices and
- 3.4.2 Leases. Any lease or rental agreement between an Owner and a tenant shall provide: (1) that the terms of the tenancy shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association and any rules and regulations established by the Board; and (2) that any failure by the tenant to comply with the terms of such document shall be a default under the lease. All leases or rental agreements shall be in writing.
- 3.4.3 Maintenance of Structures and Lots. Each Owner shall, at his sole expense, keep the interior and exterior of every Structure on his Lot, and the Lot, in a clean and sanitary condition, free of rodents and pests, and in good order, condition and repair and shall do all redecorating, painting, landscaping, and maintenance at any time necessary to maintain the good appearance and condition of the Structure and the Lot. All roof and yard drains must be directed so as not to adversely affect adjacent Lots or properties.
- 3.4.4 Completion of Construction and Landscaping. Any Structure erected or placed on any Lot shall be completed as to external appearance (including finish painting and landscaping) within six (6) months after the date of commencement of Construction. All Lots shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition during Construction. The landscaping to be completed within the six month time frame is the responsibility of the builder and includes the lawn, rockery, shrubbery, etc. for the entire front yard commencing from the rear of the dwelling Structure; provided that with respect to a corner lot, the side lot landscaping must commence from the rear lot line of the Lot. As noted in Section 3.2.1 the landscaping plans and specifications must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Further, no shrubs, hedges, trees or other plantings located on any Lot will be allowed to exceed four (4) feet in height unless otherwise approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. The Owner shall be responsible for maintaining any such shrubs, hedges, trees and other plantings to ensure that the same are maintained and pruned so as not to exceed the four (4) foot height restrict
- 3.4.5 Parking. No recreation vehicle of any kind including, but not limited to, boats, campers, motor homes, and trailers (whether operable or not) shall be parked, stored, maintained, constructed on any street or on any Lot unless enclosed by a fence, the design and size of which fence must first be approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee.
No trucks in excess of 1 ton, tractors and other such heavy equipment shall not be parked, stored, or maintained on any street or on any Lot without the prior written consent of the Architectural Control Committee.
Further, no cars or other vehicles owned or leased by a resident (i.e., an owner or renter of a Lot and/or a structure located on a Lot) shall be parked, stored or maintained on any street. Street parking for periods not in
excess of 24 hours shall be limited to non-commercial vehicles of invitees or guests of residents.
- 3.4.6 Signs. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on or from any Lot without the prior written consent of the Board, except for street number, family name, "For Rent" or "For Sale" signs in a form permitted by any rules and regulations of the Architectural Control Committee. In the absence of any such rule or regulation, there may only be placed on each Lot one (1) of each of the permitted types of signs. "For Sale" and "For Rent" signs shall not be larger than five (5) square feet. Notwithstanding the above, Declarant and builders may place such signs on Lots as are necessary to meet the requirements of any law, ordinance or government regulation. Larger signs will be permitted to be placed by builders at the plat entrance and at model homes/sales offices with the prior written consent of the Architectural Control Committee.
- 3.4.7 Animals. No animals or fowls shall be raised, kept, or permitted on any Lot except domestic dogs, cats, and caged birds kept within the dwelling Structure, provided such dogs, cats and pet birds are not permitted to run at large and are not permitted to be kept, breed, or raised for commercial purposes or in unreasonable numbers. No such household pet which is or becomes an annoyance or nuisance of the neighborhood shall thereafter be kept on any Lot,
- 3.4.8 Temporary Structures. No out building, basement, tent, shack, garage, trailer or shed or temporary building of any kind shall be used as a residence either temporarily or permanently, except for a construction shack used in connection with the Construction of a dwelling Structure.
- 3.4.9 Clothes Lines. No washing, rugs, clothing, apparel or any other article shall be hung from the exterior of any Structure or on a Lot so as to be visible from the streets or roadways.
- 3.4.10 Radio and Television Aerials. Exterior antennas and satellite dishes are strictly prohibited unless prior written approval therefore is obtained from the Architectural Control Committee.
- 3.4.11 Trash Containers and Debris. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage and other waste shall be kept only in sanitary containers properly screened and shielded from adjacent properties. All equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No trash, refuse pile, vehicles, underbrush, compost pile or other unsightly growth or objects shall be allowed to group, accumulate or remain on any Lot so as to be a detriment to the neighborhood or become a fire hazard.
- 3.4.12 Offensive Activity. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any Lot, nor shall anything be done therein which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other Owners or their tenants.
- 3.4.13 Setbacks & Height Restrictions. No Structure shall be located on any Lot nearer to the lot lines then required by the Codes and Ordinances of Kitsap County relating to setbacks, and in any event will be subject to the specific setback and height restrictions contained in Exhibit "C". Further, a builder must also have specific written approval from the Architectural Control Committee on the placement of a Structure prior to commencing Construction.
- 3.4.14 Fences. No fence, wall, or hedge shall be erected or placed on any Lot nearer to any street than the minimum building setback line for the dwelling Structure, or the actual dwelling Structure setback lines whichever is further from the street except that nothing shall prevent the erection of a necessary retaining wall, the top of which does not extend more than two feet above the finished grade at the back of said wall. No fencing shall be permitted in the front yard. Fencing adjacent to the side street property line of a corner lot shall be allowed to be built only from the rear lot line to the rear of the dwelling Structure and running substantially parallel to the side street property line of said comer lot. Fences shall be no higher than 4 feet unless otherwise approved by the Architectural Control Committee; and the fence design and derail shall be as designated on Exhibit “B” attached hereto, or as may be otherwise approved. in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. The permitted color(s) for fences shall be as designated by the Architectural Control Committee shortly after recording of the Plat.
- 3.4.15 Underground Utilities. All utility lines located outside a Structure shall be in conduits attached to such Structure or placed underground.
- 3.4.16 Damage. Any and all damage to streets, Common Area Improvements, entry structures, fences, landscaping, mailboxes, lights and lighting standards and any other improvements not owned by a Owner which are caused by said Owner or his family, contractors, agents, guests, invitees or service personnel shall be repaired by such Owner within twelve (12) days from the occurrence of such damage.
- 3.4.17 Water Systems. Private wells and water supply systems are prohibited unless otherwise previously approved, in writing, by the Architectural Control Committee.
- 3.4.18 Driveways, Walkways and Patios. . Unless otherwise approved by the Architectural Control Committee, all exterior walks, and patios shall be concrete; and all driveways shall be either concrete or asphalt.
- 3.4.19 Outside Lighting Fixtures and Lamp Posts. The development and construction of each Lot shall include the following outside light fixtures:
(i) At least one outside lighting fixture and lamp post to be located within five feet of the driveway and the front property line of the Lot which must be automatically activated by a photoelectric cell; the power
for which cannot be switched off and on. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner Occupant of each dwelling Structure to repair and maintain the lamp post and lighting structure including, but not limited to
the automatic photoelectric cell operation thereof. To the extent that an Owner Occupant does not so repair and maintain the lamp post and lighting fixture, then such repair and maintenance may be
undertaken by the Association; whereupon the Board may make a special assessment against the Lot and Owner as provided in Section 6.4.2 in the amount of the costs expended for the repair or maintenance.
The design and specifications for such lighting fixtures and lamp post(s) shall be as shown on Exhibit "B" unless otherwise approved, in writing, by the Architectural Control Committee prior to installation.
(ii) At least two outside lighting fixtures on the dwelling Structure, one to be located at the entry way and one on the attached garage.
- Section 3.5 Architectural Control Committee. In addition to being governed by the foregoing provisions of this Declaration, the Sinclair Heights Architectural Control Committee shall be governed by the following provisions:
- 3.5.1 Membership. The Architectural Control Committee shall be composed of three (3) members. The initial members shall be Herbert E. Mull, Christine A. Balyeat and Clifford J. Mull. In the event any of them is or becomes unable to serve, resigns or is removed, the Declarant shall appoint a replacement. Until such replacement is selected, the other members shall comprise the Committee, with full power to act. The Declarant may remove any or all of the initial members of the Architectural Control Committee or their replacements at any time with or without cause.
- 3.5.2 Termination of Initial Membership. The initial members of the Committee as described in Section 3.5.1 above or as replaced shall serve until fifteen (15) days after: (1) Declarant has sold and closed seventy percent (70%) of the Lots; or (2) that date which is two (2) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, whichever event shall first occur. Following termination of the service of the initial members of the Committee, the Board shall either select successors to serve for such time as the Board may determine, or shall assume the duties of the Committee and shall thereafter have all of the rights, duties and powers of the Committee. If the Board selects successors, it may remove any or all of them at any time with or without cause, and may appoint replacements for any members who die, become unable to serve, resign or are removed. The Board may assume the duties of the Committee at any time thereafter,
- 3.5.3 Action by Committee. The Committee may unanimously designate one or more of its members or a third person to act for and on behalf of the Committee with respect to both ministerial matters and the exercise of judgments vested in the Committee, subject to review by the full Committee at the request of any member thereof . In all matters, the decision of the majority of the Committee shall be the decision of the Committee.